Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens

While I realize the vast majority of the world doesn't enjoy reading books by Dickens, I have to say he is my favorite author. This particular book brings to light all the reasons why I love Dickens (in no particular order). First, characters that are interesting. Each one is unique and, in many cases, quirky. So many times I have been reading this book and laughed out loud at the absurdity of a character or their simple-mindedness. Secondly, detailed descriptions. Now, there are some authors that take this too far, but for whatever reason Dickens always has the right amount. At least, for me he does! I love being able to picture the scene - almost imagining I was there: hearing the boats, smelling the river, seeing the poverty. It creates an opportunity for me to travel without ever leaving my chair. Third, an interesting plot. Actually, not just one plot - there are usually several threading through the book like frayed ends of a rope. And as the reader, you have no idea if the fraying will get worse or if by some miracle they will be brought together at the end. Finally, I love how Dickens takes British society and thoroughly stomps all over the pretensions of society and the stupidity of government. While some of his descriptions are exaggerated, many of them show just how crazy 19th-century Britain was. 
So, enough about Dickens in general. What makes Our Mutual Friend worth reading? Well, all the reasons above should be motivation enough! But for those still not 100% sure, here's my reason for loving this work. In this book, Bella is only concerned with her future and living a "posh life." When her plans are turned topsy-turvy, her responses effect those around her. She ends up hurting the people she loves and almost loses the man who gave up much to earn her trust. Each frayed thread of rope is intimately connected to the others and it serves as a reminder of how my life is connected (even in small ways) to those around me. I may not know how my attitude, or reaction, or response is viewed by others outside my circle of friends. But I guarantee they are watching and noting how I interact and respond to people and situations. There are many more reasons to read this book, but if I explained them all, you wouldn't have a reason to find out for yourself why this is worth your time!

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude,
    Nice selections so far. But I need some pictures - you know me, I'm a visual person. Want me to google some for you? :-) Okay. But I like pictures.
