Friday, January 4, 2013

A new year - new resolutions

It would appear that my blogging has been lacking in the recent days last year. So, in an effort to read more (I've been slacking lately), I'm taking a college English course. This will be the fourth course I've taken over the last three years, and I have to say that I'm really excited. The previous courses were British Literature, American Literature, and the Bible as Literature. Very broad courses that provided me with a better understanding of genre and history of authors. 
Beginning in just a few weeks is Novels - the opportunity to read 10 books in 15 weeks and write 10 papers. Sound like fun? Thankfully, all but three of the books I have read before. Rereading a book is just another opportunity to further understand and comprehend the subtleties of the story. The new ones? I admit - I'm a little nervous at trying to read, comprehend, and write a paper on something completely unfamiliar in just 14 days. The bright side is that I have several friends taking the class with me and I'm looking forward to opportunities of talking about the novels throughout the semester. Stay tuned for (hopefully) more posts about what I'm reading. Who knows - maybe this will propel me into reading more this year!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back in the blogsphere!! Can't wait to see/read about your adventures in class and in books. What are you reading?
