Saturday, February 19, 2011

Harry Potter

Over Christmas, I began the journey of reading the Harry Potter series and watching the movies. I was able to get through the first four books without any problems. When the semester started, I borrowed book five from a friend and it has sat on my table and not been touched. There is no excuse for this, other than the fact that American Idol started and work became busy. 
You may be wondering why I decided to read this series. Well, I'll tell you. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been fascinated by a good story. Each of these books represents an incredible amount of imagination. From the characters' names, to the detailed descriptions, to the creation of animals/plants, everything is fresh and new. While I don't usually enjoy stories centered around witchcraft and magic, these stories are innocent in their intention and purpose. 
Future posts will contain favorite characters and moments, but for now, this will have to suffice.

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